
Let the Mayhem begin!

My manuscript and other materials are ready for submission to the Writer's Workshop here at Iowa again. I'm ready for their rejection again, as well. In fact, I'm getting it out of the way so that I can concentrate on the English application for the last few weeks.

I wish I could get them to just tell me know when I turn it in this Tuesday. Would make life much easier, no?

UGH, I don't know why I even bothered to do this. So much work and I know what's going to happen. What a waste of fucking time that I could have been doing anything else, like playing NCAA football on my playstation.

Several of you readers have published me, and that more important than getting into this program, and yet I'm very bothered by the impending rejection. I thought about asking some of you to read, but then, who cares? It wouldn't meet their high standards, I'm sure.

Oh, fuck it. I should just burn this thing to ash.


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